Kyle Lady Elected as First Student Member of IEEE-HKN Board of Governors

Kyle Lady, a graduate student in the Computer Science and Engineering program, has been elected by national chapters of the IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) honor society to serve as the first student member of the organization’s Board of Governors for the 2014 calendar year.
Kyle received his BSE in CS and MSE in CSE at Michigan and is currently a student in the CSE Ph.D. program. He works with Profs. Farnam Jahanian and Michael Bailey in the Network and Security Research Group, where his current projects relate to distributed systems, IPv6, and DNS. His other interests include Internet-scale measurement, DNS, security analysis/design, and distributed systems.
Kyle has served as president and vice president and in other leadership roles for the University of Michigan chapter of HKN. He is also a graduate student advisor for Tau Beta Pi-Michigan Gamma chapter.
IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu is a unique membership organization dedicated to encouraging and recognizing excellence in the IEEE-designated fields of interest, including Engineering, Computer Sciences and Information Technology, Physical Sciences, Biological and Medical Sciences, Mathematics, Technical Communications, Education, Management, Law and Policy. Members consist of students, alumni, and other professionals who have demonstrated exceptional academic and professional accomplishments.
Eta Kappa Nu was formed as a result of the vision of Maurice L. Carr, an electrical engineering student at the University of Illinois. He shared his vision of a unique organization that recognized academic excellence in engineering with nine other students, and together they founded Eta Kappa Nu on 28 October 1904. Although the organization’s original purpose was to honor scholarship, it was also noted that selecting students with the character and attitude that would make them probable leaders in the profession was even more important.
IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu today consists of about 200 university chapters, several thousands of members, a variety of committees, many active member volunteers, and thousands of student members.